

2024-11-15 09:29:54View:

声明 Declaration



      我司已委托律师对此侵权行为进行了证据保全,将发律师函,将保留依法追究侵权行为人全部法律责任的权利,相关发布者及传播者罔顾事实,无视《中华人民共和国法典》等相关法律规定,四处散播带有诋毁意味的不实言论,对我司名誉造成恶劣影响并致重大损失。        根据《中华人民共和国民法典》第一千零二十四条规定:“民事主体享有名誉权。任何组织或者个人不得以侮辱、诽谤等方式侵害他人的名誉权。”但是短信与网络非法外之地,请各位用户保行持理性客观、勿信谣、勿传谣、合法地使用短信平台与网络平台,以共同建立和维护良好、健康的网络环境,也奉劝相关发布者及传播者立即停止该不法行为,若不立刻停止,我司将采用法律手段对造谣者及恶意传播者追究相关法律责任。




     Recently, our factory has received feedback from customers that someone is spreading false and defamatory information about our factory by way of texing message from his China mobile phone number (we already collect this phone number details) to overseas company"s telephone number, creating unnecessary confusion and inducing customers who are unaware of the truth to believe the false information. This person is attemption to cause misunderstandings and negative impacts on our through these improper competitive means. Such actions have severely infringed on our company's right to reputation and have caused significant losses to our company. In order to protect legal rights and interests, our company hereby makes the following solemn statements regarding the aforementioned infringement: Our company has entrusted a lawyer to preserve evidence of this infringement and will a lawyer's letter.  We will retain the right to pursue all legal responsibilities of the infringer. The publishers and spreaders of the false information are ignoring the facts and disregarding the relevant laws and regulartions of the " Civil Code of the People's Republic of China", spreading defamatory false information, causing our company's reputation and leading to significant losses. According to Article 1024 of the "Civil Code of the People's Republic of China": "Civil enjoy the right to reputation. No organization or individual may infringe on another's right to reputation by means of insult, defamation, ect." However, SMS and internet are not beyond the reach of th law. We uge all users to act rationally and objectively, not to believe in rumors, not to spead rumors, to use SMS platforms and online platforms legally to jointly build and maintain a good and healthy online    environment. We also advise the relevant publishers and spreaders to immediately stop illegal actions. If they do not stop immediately, our company will take legal action to pursue the relevant legal responsibilities of the rumor makers and malicious sprreaders. 

                                                   Jiangsu Heqisheng Industry Wood Co., Ltd.

                                                   Jiangsu Hongying New Materials Co., Ltd. 

                                                                     Nov. 15, 2024 


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